Monday, August 1, 2011

Sam's Story

Sam came into my life just over 4 years ago (2007). At the time, I worked as the PR Specialist for the local Girl Scout Council. I always arrived at work around 8am before most of the staff arrived by 9am. On one particular summer morning, I arrived to work to find a tiny collarless puppy and its mom hanging out in the parking lot. The puppy was beyond adorable. The mom...not so much. I watched them trot along and thought it can't be safe for something that tiny to be running the streets. I wanted to snatch the puppy and run so I could find it a safe home...but I was too scared of what the mom might do to me. So I refrained. I thought about the puppy and it's well being for the rest of the day into the following couple of weeks. I even tried to convince co-workers to go search for the puppy with me to no avail. Finally I told myself if I was meant to save this puppy, it'll come back some day. In the back of my mind, I really felt it would never come back because someone else would probably grab it or something unfortunate might have happened to it.

Wouldn't you know, two weeks later, the puppy and its mom returned to the office parking lot! I was thrilled! This time I was determined to grab the puppy regardless of its mother. But I didn't have to worry about her. She took off across the street dodging cars abandoning the poor puppy who was too scared of the cars in the parking lot. I saw my chance and went out and grabbed it.

It....was a girl. And I decided to name her Samoa, after the Girl Scout cookie, for her brown and white color and the location where she was found.  Needless to say, she has been my best fur-iend every since. Clearly, it was meant to be. She's now my fur-ever fur-iend.

The day after I found Sam, I took her for her very first visit to the vet. Here she is in the car on the way. She was a mess with medical issues but she is 100% healthy now.

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